What comes to mind when you think of the necessary power tools? Drills, impact tools and circular saws are usually on everyone's wish list. What about angle grinders? Knowing what an angle grinder is for will give you an idea of how useful these tools are. So what is an angle grinder good for?
Before we dive into what an angle grinder is designed for, it's helpful to take a quick look at the construction of the tool. Angle grinders are equipped with various attachments, usually called wheels but sometimes discs or blades. It spins a thousand revolutions.
The 5" angle grinder can rotate at 9000 to 12000 rpm. The 9 inch can run at 6500 rpm. RPM drops with size because as the diameter of the wheel increases, it doesn't need to spin as fast for the wheel's speed to remain the same.
Angle grinders use grinding wheels, diamond wheels, metal brush cups, petals, and many other types of wheels to complete their tasks.

Cutting metal with abrasive or diamond wheels is one of the common uses for angle grinders. For manufacturers, this can be a less expensive alternative to plasma cutting. Bricklayers can use them to cut steel bars. Commercial contractors can use an angle grinder to cut metal studs. Professionals in the oil and gas and pipeline industries use them to cut metal pipes.
In the home and garage, it is ideal for cutting frozen bolts, trimming threaded rods, and cutting metal for various weekend projects.
Due to their thinness, abrasive cut-off wheels have a higher risk of breakage, so always wear a face shield and goggles. You may need a thick apron as another layer of chest protection.
When you grind and polish metal with an angle grinder, you are likely to use multiple grinding wheels.Some of these will aggressively remove material and help you remove bumps or sand welds so they are flush with the joint. Other circles remove material less aggressively and may even out the appearance or return the metal to a nice smooth sheen.
Post time: Aug-16-2022