1800mm BLOCK SAW BLADES for stone concrete
80/100/140 inch diamond saw blade
The diameter of BIG diamond saw blade range from 900mm/36″ , 2000mm, 2500mm, 3500mm to 4500mm/180″. Big diamond saw blades are usually re-tipped when the diamond segments are used up, thus we mostly provide diamond segments for these blades core welding. We can also provide the complete blade blank core with segments welded, our blade core could be recycle used over 10 times repeatedly. We import the steel saw blade blank from Germany, the steel materials is 75CR1, it is one of the best quality in China.
By good sharpness, our diamond segments cut the hardest of the granite without any load on the machines and the blade. Thus we guarantee free and smooth cutting segments with long life. Our segments can be manufactured with height ranging from 10 mm upto 35 mm. We proudly state that our segments can adapt to any condition of the machine due to its inherent design of smooth cutting and latest state of art technology.